Matt Davies Stockton Clarifies How Important the Role of SEO is In a Web Design Service


According to Matt Davies Stockton, an SEO-friendly website should not only meet the technical requirements that allow it to rank well on Google but should be designed in a way that helps to improve the overall user experience. SEO web design incorporates the elements of responsive web design with good site structure and unique content to provide a delightful customer experience:

The Reasons

Here are a few reasons why SEO web design is so important:

  1. It improves customer experience – In order for your website to rank on top of the search engines, it must be extremely user-friendly so that it improves the customer experience. An SEO-friendly website design will include well-structured navigation, beautiful and easy-to-understand text and fonts, and a modern layout and interface that keeps the visitors focused on browsing your website. It must also be accessible from any kind of device such as a PC, smartphone, or tablet.

Otherwise, your customers will leave your site when they arrive at your website, and this will lower your rankings. The reason is simply that nobody likes to browse a website that looks old and is confusing to navigate, slow to load, etc.

  1. It helps to increase organic traffic – Attracting the right kind of traffic is essential if you want your business to generate revenue and maintain its top position in the search engine rankings. And, of the prerequisites to that is to ensure your website design is SEO-friendly.

For instance, an SEO-friendly website design must be extremely quick to load. For every extra second that it takes your website to load, you can lose valuable traffic and many potential customers that can generate a hefty profit for your business. On top of that, a slow and unresponsive website will increase the bounce rate which will also hurt your SEO rankings, traffic, and revenue.

  1. It helps to optimize the website for conversions – The heart of a profitable online business is an SEO-friendly website that is optimized to maximize conversions. No matter the traffic you attract, it is useless if you cannot convert it into lifelong customers that are loyal to your brand. Otherwise, it will simply eat into your profits and make it difficult to sustain your business.

When the design of your website is optimized well it helps to reduce the length of the buying cycles, acquisition costs, lead nurturing time and money, and customer churn. Plus, it also helps to generate more leads, and improve sales and affiliate clicks, sharing, upsells, customer lifetime value, and repeat customers.

  1. It helps to improve your marketing effort – It is crucial to have an SEO-friendly website if you want to maximize the efficiency of your marketing efforts and get the best ROI possible. For instance, SEO-friendly web design improves micro-conversions such as link clinks, newsletter signups, video views, and more that ultimately leads to a purchase.


Matt Davies Stockton suggests you invest in an SEO-friendly website design that is optimized for conversions. PPC and other forms of advertising are expensive and the only way to make them worthwhile is to improve the SEO and design of your website as well.

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